Epic, EPOR, Market Summary, Profile
Epic (EPOR) Market Summary
Epic is a publicly traded company, since its founding in 1997, the company has focused on Research and Development of Healthcare products. Epic's goal is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of Americans who are suffering from chronic pains. (Note:-OxBridge has just released a comprehensive Market Intelligence Report on EPOR) see the full Report
The company has successfully developed a specially engineered fabric called AcuFABTM, which improves blood circulation to the pressure points and sore joints, providing great comfort and relief from chronic pains.
EPIC sells 'the fabric' to the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), these manufacturers make, various products using the AcuFabTM, and sell directly to consumers and healthcare institutions under their own Brand names.
EPIC also makes its own Branded products, with AcuFABTM, under the name AcuPADTM. AcuPADs are sold directly to healthcare institutions and consumers through the company's website www.epiccor.com, Amazon.com and other distributors.
Business Model
Epic’s business model is similar to Intel’s famous “intel inside” model, where Intel supplies CPUs to companies like Dell and HP and these OEMs incorporate intel’s technology into their PCs and Laptops.
The Opportunity
Epic Corporation has a proprietary and patent protected manufacturing process for a fabric solution which offers great advantages to the surface tissue. In a world where we have major problems with sedentary lifestyles, poor eating habits, and healthcare issues, these solutions may be the answer for patients everywhere. What is most intriguing is that these products have some technological barriers to entry yet do not have to go through the rigorous FDA approval process.
Epic's Solutions for Healthcare Crisis
American healthcare system is under severe strain and the healthcare costs are rising rapidly, Obesity and Diabetes increasing dramatically due to diet and sedentary life style. EPIC’s preventative solutions for chronic pains could provide relief from pain and financial burden.
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Entree Gold, EGI, Summary, Profile
Entree Gold | EGI | Summary | Profile
Entrée Gold (EGI) is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the worldwide discovery and development of copper and gold prospects. The Company has significant interests in three key copper porphyry deposits: the Hugo North Extension and the Heruga deposits in Mongolia, and the Ann Mason deposit, located near Yerington, Nevada.
The Lookout Hill property in Mongolia completely surrounds the Oyu Tolgoi mining, a subsidiary of Ivanhoe Mines and the Government of Mongolia.
The Company is also exploring for porphyry-related copper systems in Nevada and New Mexico. The primary North American asset is the Ann Mason Project, located near Yerington, Nevada.
The Yerington copper camp has seen significant historic copper production along with a resurgence of exploration activity and now hosts over 20 billion pounds of copper in several deposits owned by a diverse group of companies.
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Ecosphere Technologies, ESPH.OB, Summary, Profile
Ecosphere Technologies | ESPH.OB | Summary | Profile
Ecosphere Technologies, ESPH.OB, is a diversified engineering and technology company, engaged in clean technologies and services.
The company designs and builds mobile water filtration equipment, waste water treatment and provides water recycling services to the energy exploration companies.
The company's patented Ozonix technology is primarily used by the gas and oil companies for treatment and recycling of water used in fracking. The technology eliminates, bacteria and reduces scaling, eliminating the need to dispose the contaminated water. This process helps Oil&Gas companies save money and improve productivity.
Mobile, High-Volume Fluid Reclamation:
Ozonix® Eliminates Liquid Chemical Biocides
Provides Rapid On-Site Water Reclamation
Oxidizes Contaminates, Killing Bacteria and Destroying Bacteria Cell Walls On-the-Fly
Eliminates Costly Biocides and Reduces Scale Inhibitors Needed for Corrosion Control
Eliminates the Costs Associated with Waste Separation, Transportation & Disposal
High-Volume Water Treatment Capabilities allow for Quick Turnaround Time and Increased Utilization
Self-Contained Ozonix® Systems offer Minimal Mobilization and Demobilization Arrangements
Environmentally Safe, Eliminating Hazardous Waste Byproducts and Residual Pollutants
Ozonix® Preserves Natural Water Resources Minimizing Customers' Carbon Footprints
The Shale Gas industry is expanding at a rapid pace, waste water treatment, recycling and chemicals used in the process of fracking is a major environmental concern. The company's has developed a technology that doesn't require any chemicals. The company has a great technology serving the growing need of Oil & GAS, Mining Industries and Municipalities, and an Excellent management team, Keep an eye!
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